Today we went on an adventure to downtown Raleigh. It's always nice to realize there are cool things to do in your town. Well, I can't say Raleigh is really our town, but there really is not a whole lot to do in Durham and it's kind of a scary place, so Chapel Hill and Raleigh are our adoptive homes. Today we walked down Fayetteville Street in Raleigh which is the main drag. It runs basically the length of downtown between the capital building and some other important political building. Whenever there's a fun event downtown, Fayetteville Street is often in the heart of it.
Fayetteville Street on 4th of July. You can barely see the capital building in the background. |
Another area we went was the City Market area of Raleigh. This area is full of great restaurants, including Big Ed's which is one of our favorites. Definitely a greasy spoon, but it's "down home southern cookin" in a kitchy atmosphere. Comes complete with a Big Ed and his own chair. I don't think you can get hired there unless you have a southern accent. The meal is full of comments like, "hey sug", "y'all threw?" "more sweet tea or biscuits?"Gotta love the south. Have to admit though I love me some biscuits!
Big Ed himself |
The inside of the restaurant. Notice all the things hanging from the ceiling. They keep Emma distracted through most of the meal |
We also found two new art galleries that had lots of paintings I would love to buy if I had some (or a lot in some cases) extra money. We also found a small park where the downtowner gather for lunch or to relax. There is a massive acorn sculpture in the middle of the park (see below), but no real explanation of why it's there. Interesting.
Emma and the giant acorn |