Emma in nutshell (look at me I'm trapped in a nutshell!):
Big Smile |
- Waves hi and bye, sometimes (and cutest) with both hands at the same time
- Can give big, slobbery kisses
- Demonstrates how big she is when asked by lifting her arms way above her head
- Points at everything that interests here and says "ohhhhh" like it's the most interesting object in the world
- Her vocabulary is not the greatest yet but includes ma ma, da da, is (for kiss), do or og (for dog)
- Can also say uh-oh and sometimes says it before she drops something on the floor. Way to go, understanding that cause/effect thing!
- Is becoming much more interested in books. At first she did not like to sit and listen to stories. Maybe it's my voice she doesn't appreciate because she doesn't seem to react much to the word "no" either.
- Crawls like a pro, but is not quite walking yet. Will cruise around the living room holding onto the furniture, but the minute something is the least bit out of reach, she's down on the floor. She doesn't even attempt to balance on her own. She has started using her walking toy lately with some success as seen in the videos, so hopefully (or wearily given how much of a troublemaker she seems to be!!!) she will start walking soon
- Recent stats include a weight of 19 lbs (35% for weight) and 29 in (50% for height). Although she's a little small, the doctor does not seem too concerned. Besides, have you seen her father?!
- Eats nearly everything. Does not seem too keen on peaches or mango, but that's about it. Can drink out of a normal cup, a straw, and of course her trusty salty "pup" cafe sippy cup from Hilton Head.
Is dinner over?! |
- Loves to go through her drawers or her dirty clothes basket or the newly folded laundry and throw everything on the floor and then put each piece back in the basket. I know Mom, I wonder where she gets it from. At least I tried my clothes on first!
- Has thrown her first official trantrum when I took her out of her highchair because her precious yogurt was gone, which was the only thing she would eat for dinner that night. It was also the first time I realized she could say da da because as I stood watching her with my hands on my hips, she kept wailing out for him. And so it begins.
- Emma has seven teeth. Four on top and three on the bottom. She just had a new one sprout through on the bottom to make 3 and has another one on the bottomw trying to poke through so her teething likely explains the behavior in the comment above.
- Loves being outside! In fact, we have to watch her if she's on the ground when the door's open because she'll make a bee-line for the wild blue yonder. To my dismay, she loves crawling down the driveway even though the rough concrete seems very irritating to her skin. Doesn't seem to enjoy the grass much but that's probably due to the fact there's a severe drought here and we have strict watering restrictions so the grass feels more like straw.
Peek a boo! |
- Has the most wonderful smile and heart warming laugh that you have ever heard and loves to share it with people. She is amazingly friendly!