So again it's been awhile since I've updated the blog. Oops. To my credit, January and February were not the best months for me. I forgot how unforgiving pregnancy can be. It really doesn't suit me, especially in the beginning. Fortunately I am feeling much better and now have the energy to do things I enjoy instead of only the things I have to do. Besides the nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, FATIGUE!, and "GI dysfortitude" (okay, done whining!) things in the pregnancy world seem to be going well. With my first ultrasound, I was told that I was not as far along as I thought - I was two weeks short. So now my due date is August 16th. Great. Almost the whole summer being massive. Can't wait. (I really am excited about having a baby, but being pregnant sucks!)
We haven't been too busy lately. We had a couple visits from my family when Sam came to town to play basketball. Here's a couple of shots of the superstar. He's now on to baseball and I can't wait for warmer weather to come so I can sit in the sun and watch the games.
Free-throw shot. Pressure's on! |
Action shot. Sorry about the poor quality. |
Emma is doing great. She's definitely getting into the fun 2 year old stage. I really think most of her frustration and "Emmatude" stems from the fact that she's really good at communicating, but still can't get everything across. She's actually been sick that past few days so that's not been fun. A nice stomach bug. Nothing like cleaning up a pukey bed at 11pm. Her current talents include counting to 10 and singing several songs all the way through. Happy Birthday is her current favorite. She always requests to sing to Sammy, Maddie, and curiously, Uncle Tom. She is a big helper around the house and loves to help do the laundry, unload the dishwasher (her job is the silverware), help mommy cook, and put away the groceries - as shown below.
Here's a few fun pictures and some videos. Enjoy!
Groceries! |
Big helper |
Sorting the soup |
 | Watching the snow from her favorite window. |
 | Playing in her spare car seat. |
We have been working on Emma's manners lately. She's usually pretty good about saying please and thank you, but often when Nathan or I have a snack she will stand directly in front of us and repeat "please. please. please" until we resign to share. Now, we've started asking her to say "may I have some please?" Here are her efforts!