My brother Jake recently informed me that he checks this blog everyday and it ruins his day when nothing new is posted, so here's to you Jake. Sending you smiles from MT!
We've had a lot happen over the last several weeks. Emma had her second birthday, we celebrated Easter, and we learned the next member of our family will be a boy! We are quite excited about the last piece of news. Everything on the ultrasound apparently looked fine. Even though I work in the medical field, I still cannot comprehend what I'm supposed to be looking at on those things. Good thing I don't have to worry about pregnancy in the population I work with!
Emma's birthday celebration was a lot of fun. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but invited several family members over for homemade pizza, cake, ice cream and presents. I got off work a little early (4:30!) and rushed home to start making pizza as I told everyone to be over about 5:30 and had 10 pizzas to make! Luckily my Dad was in town and came over to help. We got them all finished for the 20 or so guests and I still have leftover pizza in the freezer! Gramma Mary, Uncle Sam, and Aunt Maddie were able to join us via webcam and Emma got to talk to Nana LaVonne earlier in the day. Emma's favorite part was opening presents, but the chocolate ice cream was a close second! Enjoy the pictures and thanks again to everyone who joined us for the fun day!
Emma and Mommy opening presents. |
The cliche hair bows. |
The mini cupcakes I made for Emma's class
The birthday cake I made
Easter was wonderful too. We headed down to Great Falls to spend it with my family. It started off with an Easter egg hunt with some kids from my parents church. Emma loved it and even won two of the special prizes! We then dyed easter eggs which Emma seemed to enjoy too. She loved directed Gramma Mary which colors she wanted to use. She got to get all dolled up in her easter garb after discovering her easter bunny presents (a new outfit complete with flip-flops). She even got to watch Aunt Maddie and I fly kites, which didn't last too long after my kite got caught in the 2 foot tree in my parents front yard and Maddie's kite flew away.
On a sugar high in her Easter garb. |
Emma and Mommy taking a break from egg hunting. |
The easter egg hunting crew. Emma and Maddie are in the second row on the right.
Dying easter eggs. |
A not so great look at the ever growing baby bump. |
Here's some ultrasound pictures of our new guy. The first are from my first ultrasound when I was about 10 weeks, then 13 weeks and finally about 22 weeks. Pretty amazing.
Little alien. |
Check out that nose. |
Foot. |
Maxin and relaxin. |
Hello up there. |