Fall colors
Unfortunately, this fall has not been very colorful, so we've had to create our own brilliance. We got an early snowstorm at the beginning of October and the temperatures stayed under 30 for about a week. Although the trees here are pretty hardy (no pansy palm trees thank you very much), the cold temperatures proved too much to handle and the leaves just fell off the trees before changing colors.
We had a nice Halloween. LaVonne was able to come visit which was really nice. Emma enjoyed spending some quality time with her Nana. Emma decided to be a princess for halloween, much to my chagrin. I've never been much of a girly girl and never quite figured out how to use a curling iron effectively, so I had to come up with a creative way to make Emma's hair look more princess-like. I decided to braid it and leave it overnight. I took it out in the morning to give her sort of a crimped look. I think it turned out pretty cute. She made an adorable princess after all. Isaac just got dressed up in some "my first halloween" garb. He was a cutie pie too! The day was absolutely beautiful with temperatures almost in the 70s so we decided to venture out to Boo at the Zoo which turned out to be a bit of a dud. There were tons of people and not a whole lot of candy passer-outers. Oh well. Emma seemed to enjoy herself and Isaac slept almost the whole time. Ah, to be an infant!
Happy Halloween!
Pretty princess
Walking through the zoo
Queen mama and princess emma
After the zoo we came back home and carved pumpkins. I've never used any of the fancy-schmancy pumpkin carving tools, but LaVonne brought some with her and it was actually pretty fun. Emma loved helping get the seeds out which surprised me mostly because I think the feeling of "pumpkin guts" is one of the most disgusting things ever. Then Emma decided to get dressed back up and go out trick-or-treating. She was so funny YELLING "trick or treat" in the house, but then when we got to the neighbors, she barely whispered the phrase. We only made it to about 5 houses and she was done. Fun times at the Meunier house!