WARNING: This is a big post with a lot of media that may be over stimulating for some viewers. If you have any sort of heart condition, please only view a few items at a time and revisit after a few days.
There has certainly been a lot to celebrate and update since my last posting. Per usual, my blog has been neglected, as were many day to day things in the craziness of the holidays. The season officially kicked off with Thanksgiving. It was certainly one for the books! We were in Great Falls with my family and had nearly 50 for dinner. I rather absentmindedly volunteered to make mashed potatoes. After peeling 40 lbs of potatoes (thanks for the help Sam and Maddie!), I realized how sorry I was to have put myself in this position - especially after we had probably 30 lbs left over! It was a great day, though, with a great group of people. We made the event a whole weekend experience complete with a cribbage tournament, a grilled cheese cookoff and a couple of live performances at Great Falls venues with some of the more musical members of the family. Awesome.
Digging in
Line for food
December began with a lovely but quick visit from my dear Seattle friends. Carmen works for Alaska Airlines and was able to fly herself, Danielle and Lynn out for a girls Sunday. We only had time for a mani/pedi session and dinner, but it was well worth it. We shared lots of news (Danielle is expecting her second child and Lynn is moving to Singapore!) and lots of laughs. I miss them greatly.
Lynn and Danielle
The Christmas season began with Emma's Christmas program. She did quite well with her song and people in the front row say she was singing, but from where I was sitting, I couldn't hear anything. I've tried to post the video of her program, but I think it's too long. So I'm posting some videos of trying to get her to sing her song. She is not as cooperative with videos and pictures as she was in her youth.
Christmas song, Take 3 (good enough!)
We again went to Great Falls for Christmas, leaving Billings on Christmas eve. Unfortunately, Nate had to work Christmas day and so wasn't able to join us until late that night. Luckily the roads and weather cooperated. It was a wonderful time with my siblings and parents with way too many presents! See the pictures below. We returned home Sunday to return to work (boo!) and then Monday celebrated another Christmas with my grandma and grandpa and aunts and uncles who live here in Billings. I love having a big family! Finally on New Years Eve we opened our presents here at home. Again, way too many presents! Thanks Nana LaVonne and Grandpa Paul! Here's some videos from Christmas #3.
Isaac's thoughts on Christmas
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, Isaac continued to grow. He's reached several milestones including holding onto toys, beginning to eat food, and rolling over. He seems to be discovering more every day. I often lay him on the ground and watch him explore. I almost hate to interrupt him, except that when I do, I am always rewarded with his wonderful smile that is so full of joy, you can't help but smile along with him. He is truly a blessing.
Now we are back to every day life. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas more than most I would say, but this year, I'm ready to pack it all away without the usual melancholy that goes along with it. Until next year.....