Anyhow, she did this reaching out motion and touched my checks and then put her arms around my neck. Could my heart get any bigger?! Such a perfect angel, who depends on me for everything and struggles to make sense of the enormous world around her, was saying thank you to me without saying a word. With such a touching moment, I was inspired to write. I'm posting it here with warning that I am incredibly self conscious about my writing. I have convinced myself that no one reads this blog anyway but the poem will be a good memento for Emma to have. So please, no harsh comments.
Love lives in the ballerina movements you made in my belly. In the salt laced tears I looked through to see your face for the first time. In the peaceful worry of your first nap.
Joy dances in the sparkling brilliance of your ocean blue eyes. In the calming cadence of your pure laughter. In the graceful silliness of your mannerisms.
Beauty sings in the strong softness of your face. In the tranquil eye flutters in your sleep. In the lovely pressure of your hands.
I completely and hopelessly love you, Emma, for all the rest of my life.

Ya know, I read your blog whenever I can and I LOVE your writing...
Emma is going to so appreciate your writing effort when she is older. I love you with all my heart, my baby girl!
I read your blog whenever I can too!! Your poem was very touching...I think I will get a tissue now! keep up the info it is great to see.aunt janie :]
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