Sunday, September 20, 2009


Emma has embraced her role as a big sister. People warned me, but I still can't believe how much older she seemed the minute Isaac was born. She is incredibly nurturing and protective of her brother. She'll often remind me that Isaac's crying if she feels I haven't addressed him soon enough. On one recent car ride, Isaac was quite upset and as we turned the last corner to our house, Emma said, "It's okay, Isaac. We're almost home." The first words out of her mouth in the morning are usually "I wanna touch Isaac." So sweet. I'm sure those were rarely, if ever, the first words out of my mouth regarding Ben.

For his part, Isaac tolerates Emma frequently invading his personal bubble without complaint. I'm not sure why she feels the need to do so, but she often will get literally as close as she can to him. He also seems to enjoy her voice as he will normally listen contentedly to her lengthy imaginative ramblings when she "reads" him stories.

Overall, I am pleasantly surprised and proud at how well Emma is adjusting to her new role. Hopefully her positive attitude remains for awhile.

Emma playing Isaac a song on her piano

1 comment:

Nick said...

Ugh! I always forget to check out the blog(s). What a great big sister (both of you)!