Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Friday

Since Miranda has to work on the weekends and has to make up time in her clinicals, Friday is pretty much the only day when we get to spend the whole day together, so we decided to do our easter on Friday instead of Sunday this year (Emma didn't seem to notice). We got her a very cute dress to celebrate her very first easter, and although it didn't say "baby's first easter" on it like her christmas outfit did, we liked it just the same.
Pretty easter dress!
Somehow, the Easter bunny found out that we were having easter early because not only did he bring candy, daddy's favorite food, but he brought Emma three presents instead of just one! And even though she got three presents, she seemed more interested in all the candy in the baskets!

Emma with her presents

Eying the easter baskets!

Once we removed the baskets FILLED with candy, Emma was interested in her presents. When she finally opened them, she found:

Why do they always put these on me!

For grandma and
gradpa's pool this summer!

I wonder if dogs like Peeps?

Nana Meunier sent some bunny ears, and although she didn't like having them on, just like the hat, we managed to keep her still long enough to get a picture of her with them.
That's the cutest bunny
I've ever seen!

So Easter Friday was a great day for the Meunier family in Durham, and especially for Emma once she found out how much she really likes chocolate!
This stuff is messy!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy (late) st. pat's day!

I'm a little behind on my posts and so much has been going on lately allowing for lots of good photo ops. Although we really didn't do much to celebrate the day, Emma was in the spirit! I didn't even wear green and got slack for it from my patients. Luckily it was just verbal slack and no pinching! Hope those of you who love to celebrate the holiday (Wingerter boys) enjoyed it with some green beer. It's maybe the one day of the year you can celebrate Butte, Montana! Sorry Bill and Jeanine.

Not the camera again Mom!

When Irish eyes are smiling

In other news, I just finished one of the best books I've ever read. It's by Dr. David Snowdon and is titled: Aging with Grace - What the Nun Study Teaches Us About Leading Longer, Healthier, and More Meaningful Lives. Although this is research, it reads like a novel and I couldn't put it down. He discuss the complex disease of Alzheimers in a really straightforward and understandable way. Plus, it's about nuns. Who doesn't love nuns - except maybe Uncle Bill.

teething time

This video was taken a few weeks ago. Emma seems to have survived her latest teething stage. She had four of her top teeth come in at once. She was a little cranky but really not bad considering she probably had a constant tooth ache. She really wouldn't let us do much to help like giving her teethers or massaging her gums, but she did seem to get relief sucking on her washcloths during her bath. We tried to give her a wet washcloth outside of the bathtub, but alas, only bathtime washcloths would do. The video displays her cleanly teething practice.

Monday, March 10, 2008

the narcoleptic

Emma has interesting nap time habits. She seems to sleep fine during the night, so I'm not too concerned with her naps during the day, I just kind of let her sleep when she's tired. We don't have scheduled nap time. Lately, I've found her suddenly very tired and seemingly instantaneously falling asleep. Here are two examples.

Fell asleep on the floor playing

Fell asleep eating in her highchair

As long as she continues to fall asleep at bedtime (which we do now schedule) and sleep through the night (she often doesn't get up until about 9:30 ), I'm pretty content with her sporadic day time sleeping habits!