Friday, November 7, 2008


I cannot believe how much Emma has grown over the past few weeks. Not just physically, but mentally as well. It seems like a light bulb went off in her head, just like when she was about 2 months old and decided there was more to do than eat, sleep, and poop. She is talking so much - she is able to say phrases such as "I don't want it" when I try to feed her peas, although her favorite phrase is " it". She absolutely loves books. We just recently finished her room and so got to unpack the rest of her books and it was like Christmas came early! She often will read to herself while I'm getting dinner ready. It's the cutest thing. She is also able to count to 3 and is trying to jump and march. The video shows her marching efforts.

With this new enlightenment has come the knowledge that she is her own person. I'm all for independence, but my oh my. She is not afraid to assert it. As an example, we were crossing the street the other day and Nate and I each reached for her hands. However, she did not want to hold hands across the street, preferring to walk herself. When we tried again, she sat herself down in the middle of the crosswalk! Luckily it was only a parking lot and not a busy intersection. The terrible twos seemed to have come early too. I know my Mom is reading this and shaking her head. I have no doubt where this independence comes from.

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